Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some More Camp History

This has been an interesting week for weather. Started with snow on the ground yesterday, rain and wind today, and a heavy surf warning for tomorrow. So it seemed good to stay inside. The crew, along with the help of the Thursday volunteers have been working on remodeling the bathrooms in Morse Lodge. Meanwhile, I went back through Bill Morse's book to collect information about the history of the Camp. Here is a link


to several things put together in a collection of information on the Camp's history.

I also found a really good website telling about the person Wi-Ne-Ma. Follow this link

Enjoy looking around at this.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Starting the New Year

A January Storm - Watch the Waves Pound Around "the Rock."

The turn of the New Year marks the time when I have to get serious about preparing for the summer camping season. But it is also the time of year when staff members get in their vacations, go to camping conferences, and enjoy the holidays with their families, friends, and churches. While the storms keep hitting us (and thankfully, there has not been any significant damage)they force us to slow down on getting the various projects done that we would like to get done.

But, I am glad to announce that a new look website is now published. We tried a couple of new things and cleaned up a bunch of old files that had been hanging around since the Camp first got on the Internet several years ago. I can't remember how long it has been. Go to www.winema.org and poke around.

We are trying some new things with discounts for early registration. It helps campers to find a less expensive way to enjoy Camp. Early registration also helps us have a better idea of how many to expect.

A number of things seem to be coming together on the Missions Building Project. I will have to make a post just to reflect on the various answers to prayer we are seeing there.