Friday, September 21, 2007

Post Friends of Wi-Ne-Ma Day

The 2007 summer camping season came to a wonderful conclusion with Friends of Wi-Ne-Ma Day on September 15. 170 people came together to enjoy music by the Vintage Gospel Lads, a delicious Barbecue Chicken lunch, and the opportunity to encourage the Camp’s ministry through the silent and oral benefit auctions. All told over $35,000 was raised through the day’s activities. What gave us “goose bumps” came at the point in the auction for the “special project.” At this point people are not bidding for an item but on how much they would like to give towards the Missions Building project. People were given the opportunity to bid in increments from $25 to $1,000. After the bids were recorded, $19,836.50 was given towards the Missions Building project. Along with some strong giving in the past couple of months for the project, our total raised to date is $225,000. We are closing in on our initial goal of $250,000 to be raised before physical construction. While the total cost of the project is now pushing $600,000, how wonderful it will be to start with about half the cost in hand.

Not to be outdone, but another special blessing to Friends of Wi-Ne-Ma Day were the baskets created by churches. The ten theme baskets brought $1,625. Thanks to the folks from Gates Community Christian Church, Canby Christian Church, Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Church, Stayton Church of Christ, Oregon City Christian Church, Mill City First Christian Church, Englewood Christian Church, and Tillamook First Christian Church.

A further blessing to report is found in the youth camp directors’ follow-up reports. We had 992 campers and 407 staff volunteers in the nine youth camps this summer. We have heard of 55-60 baptisms connected with those nine youth camps. Some were baptized into Christ here. Others were to return to their home churches. Along with these decisions to begin their walk with Christ as Lord, there were even more decisions to greater faith and service.
Now the Camp is shifting gears to host a number of guest groups this fall. One high-schooler here with a Christian High School group said that he had been coming every year since he was in Junior High. He said this was his favorite place to be. We had to respond, “We agree.”

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The biggest share of the summer camping season has come to a close. A common sentiment is, “I can’t believe the summer is over.” Stores are advertising “back to school” sales, practice is beginning for the fall sports, and people are trying squeeze in last minute vacations. It has been a good summer for the ministry of Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp.

Again I am impressed by the quality and passion of the leadership for our youth camps and conferences. They match creativity with a desire to share the gospel with the youth campers and the result is memorable experiences that form a foundation in building relationships with Jesus Christ. If you are ever in a place to say, “Thank You,” to these folks please do so – Tim Long, Ken Swatman, Cherie Friend, Matt Rader, Mike Nichols, Bruce Jones, Andy Johnson, Clare Buhler, Ken Harvey, and Raeann Suckow. They were the program directors and they along with their staff became the hands and the heart of the Camp’s ministry.

What do Siberia, East Africa, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, and New England have in common? All were featured at the 2007 Week of Missions. Registering 700 people this unique event has taken place continuously since 1950. Many thanks again to the program committee and the missionaries.

We are also pleased to present an artist conception of the renovated Missions Building (pictured above). The total to date received for this project is $173,620. We are moving ahead to be ready for plans and building permits. A geotechnical engineer and crew were out here this week drilling 50 foot holes around the Missions Building to prepare a report required by Tillamook County prior to preparing the plans to submit for the building permits. So we are trying to match the preparatory work with the funds coming in so as soon as we reach our target financial goals we can start construction. We are closing in on the preliminary goal of $250,000 to start construction, but don’t forget that we will need an additional $300,000 to finish the project.