We have had a number of things going on th
is spring. The picture here is of the new crosses that were placed on the hill overlooking the Camp. The December storms blew down the big center cross. My dad from Mill City built these out of some trees on his place. Then a bunch of guys from Mill City came for their annual men's work retreat and put them up.
The second picture here shows them here working with Phil to set them up. We have had a number of work parties this spring that have added great improvements to Camp: the new trail to the crosses was expanded, a sidewalk from Myrtleward to the Dining Hall was created, the basketball area between the Dining Hall and Lakeside Lodge was first broken up and then poured afresh. These along with a number of cleanup projects has the Camp set up for the new season.
I will try to type to you again sooner with the update on how the summer camping season is shaping up and how the Missions Building project is coming along.
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