Turning the calendar from March to April brought a lot of activity to Camp. It seemed like just as the daffodils and the buds started popping out so did all the people. We have had a number of retreat groups in on the weekends as well as the Outdoor Schools we have hosted for the Northwest Regional Education Service District. Easter would have been the day without a group in Camp except that we served the community Sunrise Service breakfast along with the Wi-Ne-Ma Church.
We have reached a significant waypoint in the Missions Building Project. The building is essentially up and enclosed. The major work that was to be contracted out is completed and now we turn to working on the inside elements. We need to transform the shell into a functional building. Our first goal is to get the great room to where we can use it for Week of Missions in August. This involves getting the sprinkler and electrical system in. There are a number of work parties as well as individuals coming in over the next couple of months to help with portions of this project. Just last weekend a men’s group from Mill City First Christian Church installed the decking for the mezzanine level.
We appreciate and still need consistent financial support of the Missions Building project in order to keep moving forward to completion. Once the great room is useable we will turn our attention to insulation, heating system; then finishing up the restrooms and office/reception area. You can check out the progress by following the Missions Building link from the Camp’s web page at www.winema.org.
Christian Heritage Conference is coming up next month. The theme is Passing the Torch. The speakers (Steven and K.C. Richardson) will explore how faith is handed on from one generation to the next. I am struck by how many families make Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp a part of their family tradition. The experiences they share together either through the family camps or by participating in youth camps help young people see the importance of faith in their parents lives. In addition there is the opportunity to learn from people involved in dynamic Christian ministries from other communities and even around the world. Think about where else might your child come into contact with those who love the Lord and seek to faithfully serve Him.
We are on the brink of what could be a significant summer for the Camp. We are stretching ourselves to expand and improve the Camp’s facilities. We are looking forward to how God will stretch us through the various camps and conferences coming up. In light of the dramatic global changes since last summer – politically, economically, and culturally – what better way to prepare families than by taking time to share some time together at Wi-Ne-Ma Christian Camp?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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